Last night was the bi-monthly meeting of the Luton and Dunstable Cycle Forum, plus its Annual General Meeting.
Errandonnee #6
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Category: Community Meeting
Destination: Travel Choices Hub, Dunstable
Distance: 13.3 km
Steed: Riley the Enigma
What I learned/observations:
1. Sometimes day to day change is hard to measure. Now and again it's good to step back and look where we were... yesterday, a month ago, a year ago.
This was the Forum's second AGM. The duration of the inaugural AGM was almost entirely spent on hammering out the terms of the group's Constitution! There was little time left to make plans for events and bike rides, much less things like soliciting volunteers to run them or resources to promote them.
A year on, it was great to review how much progress has been made in concrete terms, i.e. activities not just talk! After a number of years of not being in a good position to influence the local authorities to improve conditions for cyclists (other than by lobbying people in specific roles at the relevant Councils), now there is a sound foundation for actually "increasing the number of bums on saddles" by having a presence at community events e.g. Luton International Festival, Dunstable Party in the Park and -- thanks to formal Ride Leader Training by Sustrans -- leading more community bicycle rides.
Last night's proceedings were lively and interactive, with several new faces. Everyone had an opportunity to voice their concerns, and everyone's views were taken on board. The Chair, Robin Cowan, is invariably enthuasiastic, always seeking to move any situation towards a positive outcome. This was beneficial on a number of issues where not everyone saw things eye-to-eye but in the end everyone was happy with the agreed plan of action.